Saturday, November 20, 2004

*Sigh* Sad day today.

There were a lot of funny things that happened today, as it goes with most days. But it was also a really sad day for me, as well. A year ago today, my cat, B.A., died. I inherited him the end of November 1996, from my sister, who was moving to Texas.

B.A. was just a beautiful cat. He was a huge Tuxedo, that looked mean...but that belied his true demeanor. He was my baby, before my baby was born. He slept curled up in the crook of my arm every night, under the covers even. Each morning, B.A. would come downstairs with me, and sit on the arm of the sofa while I ate breakfast. Before we moved to the new house, there were a number of occassions when he would either sit on the edge of the garden tub while I was relaxing in a bath, or he would curl up behind my head, nuzzling my neck in the process.

I remember with perfect clarity, the morning I found B.A. I went upstairs to get some clothes for my wee one, and I thought B.A. was asleep in the chair in our room. I called out to him...nothing. This was unusual for him, because B.A. was a talker. I called out to him again...still nothing. Not even a movement. I walked over to him, and teasingly chastised him for ignoring me. Oh how I wish he had just been ignoring me. Once I realised he was dead, I just sat down in the middle of the floor, and sobbed my heart out. After awhile, I called dh at work, to have him come home and bury B.A.

It still hurts so much, that I have only been out to "see" him three times. I guess I need to make a point of going out to where he is buried, and talk to him for awhile. I really do miss him every day. I miss his curling up in my arm. I miss his meow. I miss his siting with me while I eat breakfast. I miss him chasing milk rings. I just miss him. I cannot believe it has been an entire year already, since I have seen him in anything other than a picture. As soon as I get one of his pictures transfered to this computer, I will edit one into this post. Maybe once you see him, you will understand why I miss him like I do.

Mommy loves you B.A., and Mommy misses you more than you know.